Tuesday, October 16, 2007

HCMC to Phnom Penh

We got up early to get a taxi to the airport for a short flight to Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It was an extremely smooth exit out of the swish Phnom Penh airport. The visas and baggage collection were very quick and we were immediately met by lots of taxi drivers outside the airport. This time around, we took our time and didn't let the energy of potential scammers influence us with their fluster. We ensured that we knew the going rate for a taxi, and set the price - before getting inside one.
The taxi driver had a bit of trouble finding our guesthouse, but did quite well considering the completely illogical and haphazard system of road and house numbers in Cambodia. There is no system. House numbers are not necessarily in order and can be repeated in one street. The guesthouse was run by a French woman and a Cambodian man and had a really nice atmosphere. Imagine hammocks, a slightly hippy commune feel, with Jack Johnson playing in the background and an absolutely delicious blend of Khmer and Western food.

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